How to give a handjob

Think you've mastered the delicate art of giving a handjob? Think again! This seemingly simple practice can always be enhanced with a few cheeky tricks. In this how-to guide, the LOVE Team will show you step-by-step how to offer a sensual and unforgettable experience to your partner.

The handjob is a sex act that seems simple, even adolescent, and yet...many women feel at a loss when it comes to satisfying their partner manually. Don't worry, the LOVE Team is here to help you become an expert! First, we'll reveal why your partner will love to receive this gesture of love. Then, we'll give you a detailed step-by-step guide to help you make your session absolutely unforgettable. So, ready to take on the challenge and heat things up?

Why he’ll love receiving a handjob

So, why should you give him a hand job?

A well performed handjob is a simple and effective way to show him that you're attentive to his desires and that you care for him. It will strengthen your intimate bond, and can even help improve communication in your relationship.

A handjob will make him sweetly nostalgic for his first teenage loves: a handjob is often associated with one’s first sexual experiences, and might therefore remind your partner of happy and exciting memories. By enjoying this activity together, you’ll create new memories as an adult.

It's a sex act that you can perform discreetly, even out in public: as the hand job does not require penetration, it’s easier to enjoy in unusual places or in public. This can add an exciting touch to your sexual relationship, sharing a little secret just between you, and spicing up your outings.

Some women prefer to avoid sex during their periods, for reasons of hygiene or comfort. The hand job can be an interesting alternative, so you can continue sharing intimate moments and pleasing him, while respecting your body and your desires.

By taking the lead, you’re pulling a power play that is likely to drive him wild with desire: a hand job can be a real turn-on for a man, as it allows him to focus on the stimulation and just relax. By taking the lead and showing him that you know what you're doing, you’ll strengthen his desire for you.

How give your man the perfect handjob

So, you've decided to please your partner by giving him an unforgettable hand job, but don't know where to start? We’re now going to guide you through the many steps to successfully give your first hand job with confidence. Follow our tips and tricks, and you'll see that giving a handjob can be simple, enjoyable, and very exciting for both of you.

1. Prepare your hands.

To give a good handjob, it's essential to take care of your hands before you start. Rough and calloused hands can be uncomfortable for your partner, and even cause irritation or pain. To avoid this, make sure your hands are clean, soft, and smooth.
Start by washing them thoroughly with a mild soap, paying special attention to your nails and cuticles. Then, use a pumice stone to remove dead skin and calluses on your palms and fingers. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, then gently pat your hands dry with a clean towel.
Finally, apply a moisturising cream to soften your skin and make it silky. Don't forget to trim your nails short to avoid hurting your partner during the handjob.

2. Find the right moment.

Your partner should be relaxed and available, without any distractions or worries. So, avoid tempting him while he's busy doing something important, like driving or working.

The ideal moment might be when he's watching a TV show or a movie, dressed casually, and you have nothing planned for the immediate future. You can then take your time to tease him and gradually build up the tension.

You can also create a relaxing atmosphere by dimming the lights, lighting scented candles, or playing soft music.

3. Build tension.

To make the handjob even more exciting, you need the element of surprise on your side. If you want to build up the tension, you can start by caressing his thighs, hips, or lower belly, avoiding his intimate areas for the moment.

Massage him slowly and gently, paying attention to his reactions. If you feel that he's receptive and wants to continue, you can then slip your hand into his pants, while still listening to his reactions.

Start by massaging the sensitive areas around his intimate area, such as his thighs and testicles, to excite him and make him wonder what will happen next. Change up your movements and the level of pressure depending on his reactions.

4. Start stimulating his penis.

After building the tension to arouse your partner, it's time to start stimulating his penis. However, instead of grabbing it directly, continue to build tension by lightly tickling it.

Gently stroke along his penis, delicately touching the head and the taint. You can also use your fingers to gently massage the base of his penis, applying a light amount of pressure.

Don't forget to change up your movements and pressure based on your partner's preferences. Some men prefer fast and intense stimulation, while others prefer slower and gentler action.

5. Use his precum as a natural lube.

When your partner is sufficiently aroused, he may secrete some precum, also called pre-ejaculatory fluid. This fluid is an excellent natural lube that will make rubbing down his penis much easier.

If you notice that your partner has released some precum, you can use it by delicately touching it with the tip of your finger and then spreading it over the head and shaft of the penis. This will reduce friction and increase your partner's pleasure.

If your partner does not secrete enough precum or does not secrete any at all, you can use a high-quality lube of your choice. Simply apply it discreetly to your hand before starting your handjob.

6. Make a crab-like hand to start the handjob.

Now that you've prepared your partner's penis with lube, you can start the handjob by making a sort of crab-like pincer hand.

To do so, lightly touch the tips of your fingers together to form a pinching shape, then place it over your partner's penis. Make sure the lube is evenly distributed over the entire surface for optimal stimulation.

Move your hand back and forth, starting from the base of the penis and moving up towards the head. Apply light pressure with your grip, adjusting the intensity based on your partner's reactions.
Change up your movements and rhythms to increase your partner's pleasure. For example, you can alternate between fast and slow movements, or between intense and light pressure.

7. Add a special touch to the handjob.

To make the handjob even more enjoyable for your partner, here's a simple but effective technique:
Start by grasping his penis and wrapping your fingers around the shaft. Your pinky should be closest to his testicles, while your index finger should be closest to the head.

Then, perform up-and-down movements with your hand, as you normally would.

Here's the special touch: while performing the up-and-down movements, rub your thumb on the head of his penis, making circular motions. This means that your fingers will perform the standard handjob technique, while your thumb will focus solely on stimulating the head.

8. Stimulate his testicles at the same time.

Once you're comfortable with the basic handjob movements, you can add even more stimulation by using your other hand to caress your partner's testicles.

Try massaging them gently, rolling them between your fingers or squeezing them lightly. Don't forget to watch how he reacts and adjust the pressure accordingly.

If you feel comfortable, you can also use your mouth to stimulate the testicles. Try licking or gently sucking them, being careful not to apply too much pressure.

Don't forget to check out our how-to guide on How to stimulate his testicles for more ideas!

9. Focus on his frenulum.

The frenulum is one of the most sensitive areas of your partner's penis, so it's important to give it special attention during the handjob.
The frenulum is located under the head of the penis, where it meets the shaft. To stimulate this area, you need to be very gentle and delicate.
Try tracing a finger gently over the frenulum, making circular or back-and-forth movements. You can also use your tongue to lick or lightly tickle it.

Remember that the frenulum is very sensitive, so it's important to go slowly and watch your partner to make sure he’s enjoying the stimulation.

10. Vary techniques to increase his pleasure.

To give your partner an unforgettable handjob, you should be using different kinds of techniques and movements.

Try changing the rhythm by alternating between slow and fast movements. You can also let your partner guide you by asking them what they like best.

Another technique to try is the "O-Ring" technique. To do this, form an "O" with your index finger and thumb, and use it to surround your partner's penis. By applying slightly more pressure with the "O", you can create different sensations for your partner.
Try to experiment with different techniques and movements to find what works best for your partner.

11. Use dirty talk to spice things up.

Dirty talk can be an excellent way to add some spice to your handjob and turn your partner on even more.

If your partner is comfortable with dirty talk, tell them your fantasies, how turned on you are, and ask if they like what you're doing.

You can also use some crude words and suggestive phrases to increase excitement. Don't forget to make sure your partner is enjoying the dirty talk and feels comfortable with it.

12. Prepare for orgasm.

When your partner is about to come, it's important to handle the situation in a way that's enjoyable for both of you.

Ask him where he would like to come. If you both agree, you can let him come on a part of your body that you find exciting, such as your breasts or stomach.

When your partner starts to come, his penis can become very sensitive. Try to slow down and soften your movements to avoid hurting him. Your partner will likely tell you what he prefers at this moment.

13. Ask for his feedback.

After finishing your handjob session, ask your partner what he thought of it. This will help you learn what he liked and what he didn't like, and adjust your technique for next time.

Remember that communication is essential in any sexual relationship. By discussing your experiences openly and honestly, you’ll strengthen your relationship and improve your sex life.

Encourage your partner to share his feelings and reactions, and be ready to listen and respond to his concerns. By working together to improve your handjob technique, you can create a more enjoyable and satisfying sexual experience for both of you.

We hope this guide has helped you feel more comfortable and confident in giving your first handjob. Remember that communication and practice are key to providing your partner with a pleasant and satisfying experience. We encourage you to explore different techniques and listen to your partner's feedback to improve your skills.
The LOVE Team is always here to help you on your sexual journey. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need advice.

In the meantime, we wish you a fun and enjoyable handjob session with your partner. Good luck and have fun!