A beginner’s guide to wax play

wax play
Curious about wax play but a bit daunted by this type of BDSM play? Let the LOVE Team guide you step by step into this sizzling realm. Discover how to surprise your partner and spice up your private life with both boldness and safety!
Wax play is an erotic practice where the warm wax of a candle becomes the instrument of your fantasies. Picture the sensation of lukewarm wax gently trickling down the skin, awakening every nerve ending in a shiver of intense pleasure.

This daring game, perfect for those looking to break free from the sexual routine, offers an experience that's both taboo and thrilling. Indeed, the slightly dangerous and forbidden aspect of this practice amplifies its erotic appeal.

But be careful, as wax play isn't without its risks. To turn this adventure into a moment of shared pleasure, safely enjoyed, it's crucial to follow the right practices and prepare adequately.

1. Chat with your partner beforehand

Before diving into the mesmerizing world of wax play, the first and most crucial step is having a conversation with your partner. Surprise has no place here! As with any BDSM practice, agreement and mutual consent are paramount. Take time to openly discuss your desires, expectations, and boundaries. This step is vital to ensure the experience is enjoyable and exciting for both of you.

During your discussion, don’t forget to agree on a "safeword". This word will allow your partner to clearly signal if they want to stop or take a break. It's crucial that this word is completely unrelated to the sexual context to avoid any confusion. Remember: respecting this safeword is fundamental for a healthy and safe experience.
By taking the time to lay these foundations, you create a space of trust and mutual respect, essential for a serene and fulfilling exploration of wax play.

2. Choose the right candle

For a successful and safe wax play experience, choosing the right candle is key. Ditch the idea of using that scented candle given to you by your mother-in-law! Standard candles are usually too hot for the skin and can cause severe burns.
Opt for candles specifically designed for wax play. These candles have a lower melting point, suitable for contact with the skin. Soy-based candles are ideal for beginners. Their wax cools quickly upon touching the skin, thus reducing the risk of burns. For more experienced wax players, paraffin-based candles can offer more intense sensations as they are slightly hotter.

LOVE Team Tip : Absolutely avoid candles made from beeswax. Their high melting point is far too dangerous for use on the skin. By following these guidelines, you ensure an evening of pleasure without the risk of ending up in A&E (Accident and Emergency).

3. Prepare your play space

Before you start your wax play session, carefully prepare the area where you'll be playing. If you're planning to do it in bed, take steps to protect your sheets. Lay out some old towels or a disposable sheet to prevent wax stains on your bedding. This precaution allows for easy cleaning and spares you any worries during your intimate moment.
In your living room, make sure to clear the area around your coffee table of any flammable objects. Books, papers, tissues, and other easily combustible materials should be kept at a distance. Remember, you'll be handling an open flame, so caution is key. Also, be mindful of your lingerie, sheets, and cushions that might move around during the act.

We recommend that you always have a bucket of warm water nearby. In case of an accidental burn, you can use it to cool the affected area. Be careful not to use ultra-cold water, as the thermal shock could worsen the burn.

With a well-prepared space, you can embark on your wax play adventure safely and with greater peace of mind.

4. Prepare the candle (and your partner!)

The fourth step is twofold: prepare both the candle and your partner for this unique sensory experience. Begin by lighting the candle specially chosen for wax play and let it burn for about 30 minutes.

While the candle burns, it's the perfect time to attend to your partner and prepare their body. With their consent, consider gently shaving the areas where the wax will be applied. This will avoid unnecessary pain when removing the wax, especially if it adheres to hair. If your partner prefers not to shave, an alternative is to apply baby oil to their skin. This will not only facilitate the removal of the wax but also make this preparatory moment more sensual and relaxing.

After the 30 minutes have passed, test the temperature of the wax on yourself. Ensure it's pleasant and bearable before starting to apply it to your partner. If everything checks out, you're ready to enjoy an exciting and safe wax play experience.

5. Start slowly

Now that everything is in place, it's time to begin exploring wax play. Start by dripping the wax onto less sensitive areas of your partner's body, such as the back or arms. Even though you've tested the wax on yourself, it's crucial to maintain constant communication with your partner. Sensitivity to heat can vary from person to person, and it's important to ensure that your partner feels comfortable and safe throughout the experience.
If your partner responds well to the wax on less sensitive areas, you can gradually explore other regions, like the thighs. However, communication remains key. Regularly check to ensure your partner is still comfortable and enjoying the experience.
It's imperative never to apply wax on the face or intimate areas, as these zones are extremely sensitive and can easily be damaged.

6. Experiment and explore

You've reached the eagerly anticipated stage: experimentation with wax play. This phase is your chance to unleash your creativity while respecting your partner's boundaries and preferences. Here are some tips to enrich your experience:

  • Vary the temperature: The distance at which you hold the candle above your partner's skin affects the wax's temperature. The further away you are, the more the wax cools as it falls, and vice versa. Play with this distance to explore different heat sensations.
  • Change the rhythm: Experiment with various wax application rhythms. Some find a quick, drop-by-drop application exciting, while others prefer a slower, more prolonged flow. Watch your partner's reactions to discover what brings them the most pleasure.
  • Create patterns with the was: Let your imagination run wild by pouring the wax in different shapes or patterns. This adds a visual aspect to the experience and can enhance your partner's pleasure.
  • Add other BDSM toys: To intensify the experience, consider adding other aspects of BDSM. Blindfold your partner, tie their hands, or use other accessories like a whip to remove the hardened wax. These elements can amplify sensations and excitement.

Remember, communication is key in any BDSM practice. Ensure your partner is comfortable with each new element introduced and ready to explore these new sensations.

7. Don't forget aftercare!

After an intense session of wax play, aftercare (the time and care given to your partner after a particularly intense sex session) is crucial. This stage is as important as the act itself, as it allows both you and your partner to reconnect and take care of each other.

  • Discuss the experience: Take time to talk with your partner about the session. Ask them how they felt, what they liked or disliked. This discussion can strengthen your bond and help you better understand each other's preferences for future sessions.
  • Show your partner affection: After an intense practice like wax play, tender and affectionate gestures are especially appreciated. Gentle caresses, kisses, or simply holding your partner in your arms can be very comforting.
  • Soothe their skin: If your partner's skin has become sensitive or slightly irritated, gently apply an after-sun cream or a moisturizing lotion. Do this gently, sensually massaging the affected areas. This not only soothes the skin but can also be an intimate and enjoyable experience for both of you.

Aftercare is an opportunity to conclude your wax play session on a positive and affectionate note. It strengthens trust and intimacy between you and your partner and can even ignite a desire to repeat the experience. Take the time to cherish these post-practice moments for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

We hope this guide has given you the knowledge and confidence needed to start your adventure in the fascinating world of wax play. Remember, each experience is unique and should be explored with care, communication, and consent. May your first foray into wax play be as exciting as it is safe, and may it open the door to many sensual discoveries.
If you have any questions or need further advice, don't hesitate to contact the LOVE Team. We're here to assist you in your exploration of this captivating practice. Have fun and explore safely!